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1602 A.D. Cheats For Personal Computer

Cheat Mode:
Hold Ctrl + Shift + Alt + W during gameplay. At the bottem left corner of the screen a prompt will appear. Type in 2061 and press A and then Enter. This will turn on the cheats. Now you can enter the following:
shift + M     Money         
shift + Z     Bricks        
shift + k     Cannon        
shift + h     Wood          
shift + t     Tools         
gold          Gold          
fastgame      All Building          
5 Tons of Whatever:
First enable the cheat mode, then type in Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W again and then type in a number from 02 to 24.Then press Enter and A. Each time you press A, you will get 5 tons of the number. If you want another, just type in another number and press enter and a (Tested on the German version)
02= iron-ore         13= cannons
03= Gold             14= Food
04= wool             15= Cigars
05= suger-cane       16= Spices  
06= tobacco          17= Cocoa
07= cows             18= Alcohol
08= corn             19= fabric
09= flour            20= clothing
10= iron             21= jewellery
11= swords           22= Tool 
12= guns             23= Wood
                     24= Bricks

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