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Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Cheats For Playstation

Strategy Guide

  • EX menu

    Highlight the "Options" selection at the main menu, then quickly press R1, Circle, Left, Triangle(2). For the Japanese version of the game, quickly press L1, X, Left, Square(2) at the main menu. -From:

  • Play as Armored Spider-Man

    At the character selection screen, highlight Spider-Man, hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. -From:

  • Play as Mephisto

    At the character selection screen, highlight Omega-Red, hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. -From:

  • Play as U.S. Agent

    At the character selection screen, highlight Vega (M. Bison), hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. -From:

  • Play as Shadow Charlie

    At the character selection screen, highlight Dhalsim, hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. -From:

  • Play as Dark Sakura

    At the character selection screen, highlight Hulk, hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. -From:

  • Play as Grey Hulk

    Enable the "Play as Dark Sakura" code and choose Hulk as her partner. Note: This color code should be universal for all characters.

  • Play as Mech-Zangief

    At the character selection screen, highlight Blackheart, hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. -From:

  • Play as Cyber Akuma (American version)

    Beat the game with any character without continuing. Then at the character selection screen, highlight Akuma, press Select(5), then press any Punch or Kick button. -From: and

  • Play as Apocalypse (American version)

    Beat the game with any character without continuing. Then at the character selection screen, highlight Akuma, press Select(6), then press any Punch or Kick button. -From: and

  • Play as Mech-Gouki (Japanese version)

    Beat the game once with any character. Then enter the options screen and select "Same Character Mode". Now on the character selection screen in arcade or versus mode, highlight Gouki (Akuma), hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button, then select Gouki again and press any Punch or Kick button. -From: and

  • Play as same character (Japanese version)

    Beat the game once with any character. Then the same character may be chosen by both players on the character selection screen.

  • Bonus options (Japanese version)

    Beat the game without losing any rounds. Then, additional selections will appear on the options menu, including increasing the speed to eight stars and always having full combo meters.

  • Switch starting character

    Select your characters, then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 before the "Now Loading" screen appears. Then when the match begins, the second character you chose will be the starting fighter. -From:

  • Exploding Dan

    Hold WP after selecting Dan as your first character. Then, release the button after the word "Fight" disappears.

  • Extra jumps for Norimaro

    Select Norimaro, then hold WK + MP + HK at the versus screen until the round begins. Norimaro will now be able to jump four times in the air.

  • Faster game speed

    Select any character, then hold WK + MK + HK until the word "Fight" disappears.

  • Change order of characters on versus mode screen

    Press WP + MP + HP.

    Game Shark Codes

    Joker CommandD0027D60 ????
    Unlock All Illustrations80025082 FFFF
    Unlock All Endings80025076 FFFF
    80025080 FFFF
    Players Can Choose Two of the Same CharacterD0097618 07EA
    800975BA 1000
    Player 1 Codes
    Infinite Health800707B2 0090
    80070DA4 0090
    75% HealthD00707B2 0090
    800707B2 006C
    D0070DA4 0090
    80070DA4 006C
    50% HealthD00707B2 0090
    800707B2 0048
    D0070DA4 0090
    80070DA4 0048
    25% HealthD00707B2 0090
    800707B2 0024
    D0070DA4 0090
    80070DA4 0024
    No Health800707B2 0000
    80070DA4 0000
    Max Combo Meter80070DA8 0603
    No Combo Meter80070DA8 0000
    Character Modifer80070B9E 00??
    Tag Character Modifer8007135E 00??
    Player 2 Codes
    Infinite Health800707B6 0090
    80071164 0090
    75% HealthD00707B6 0090
    800707B6 006C
    D0071164 0090
    80071164 006C
    50% HealthD00707B6 0090
    800707B6 0048
    D0071164 0090
    80071164 0048
    25% HealthD00707B6 0090
    800707B6 0024
    D0071164 0090
    80071164 0024
    No Health800707B6 0000
    80071164 0000
    Max Combo Meter80071168 0603
    No Combo Meter80071168 0000
    Character Modifer80070F5E 00??
    Tag Character Modifer80071716 00??
    Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifer Codes
    00 - Apocalypse
    02 - Cyclops
    04 - Captain America
    06 - Hulk
    08 - Wolverine
    0A - Shuma-Gorath
    0C - Omega Red
    0E - Spider Man
    10 - Blackheart
    12 - Ryu
    14 - Ken
    16 - Chun Li
    18 - Dhalsim
    1A - Zangief
    1C - Bison
    1E - Akuma
    20 - Sakura
    22 - Norimaro
    24 - Dan
    26 - Cyber-Akuma
    28 - Mech-Zangief
    2A - Dark Sakura
    2C - Shadow
    2E - U.S. Agent
    30 - Mephisto
    32 - Armored Spiderman

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