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Mechwarrior 2 Cheats For Playstation
Strategy Guide
All missions
Enter "T<XO/AXA<=" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken. Now all missions in the game will be unlocked.
Enter "##X0/A><UZ" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken.
Infinite ammunition
Enter "TOX0/AX>TU" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken.
Jump jets
Enter "#YX0/A>Y0L" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken.
Cruise control throttle
Enter "#AXO/A4TTA" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken.
Extra weapons variants
Enter "T#XO/AX<<<" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken. Now go to the change Mech screen to access extra weapons for each Mech.
Slower overheating
Enter "#XXO/A4>Y+" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken. Now heat from the weapons will build up slower, allowing them to be fired faster without overheating.
"Elemental" Mech chassis
Enter "T/XO/AZ<#*" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken. The "Elemental" Mech chassis is a very small, and resembles a suit of armor.
"Tarantula" Mech chassis
Enter "#/XO/A4<LY" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken.
No weight limit
Enter "#0X0/A>>0/" as a password. If you entered the code correctly, the name of a Mech will be spoken.
Mission passwords
Mission | Password
Clan Wolf |
1 | T#00A0X++0
2 | #/00A04+0#
3 | T/00A0Z+T=
4 | #000A0>4LA
5 | T000/0X4L>
6 | #X00/044LA
7 | TX00/0Z4UT
8 | #Y00/0>U#/
9 | TY00=0XU<T
10 | #A00=04ULL
11 | TA00=0ZU#>
12 | #<00*0>=T#
13 | T<00*0X=0=
14 | #>00*04=+4
15 | T>00*0Z=Y0
| |
Freebirth Trials |
1 | TL00A0XZUZ
2 | #Z00A04Z#*
3 | T*00A0ZLY*
| |
Wolf's Dragoons |
1 | TT00A0XL0/
2 | #*00A04L+X
3 | T*00A0ZLY+
| |
Clan Jade Falcon |
1 | T#X0A0X<<A
2 | #/X0A04<L>
3 | T/X0A0Z<#L
4 | #0X0A0>>00
5 | T0X0>0X>Y0
6 | #XX0>04>T#
7 | TXX0>0Z>0=
8 | #YX0>0>Y+Y
9 | TYX0/0XY0Z
10 | #AX0/04Y+*
11 | TAX0/0ZYYY
12 | #<X0X0>AL/
13 | T<X0X0XA#U
14 | #>X0X04AU+
15 | T>X0X0ZA<X
| |
Crusader Trials |
1 | TTX0A0X0LL
2 | #*XOA040<Y
3 | T*X0A0Z0U*
| |
Inner Sphere Trials |
2 | #ZX0A04X++
Game Shark Codes
Infinite Weapon 1 | 800D12DE 0064 |
Weapon 1 Modifier | 800D12E4 ???? |
Weapon 1 Rapid Fire | 800D12E0 0001 |
Weapon 1 Status | 300D12DC 00?? |
Infinite Weapon 2 | 800D12FA 03E7 |
Weapon 2 Modifier | 800D1300 ???? |
Weapon 2 Rapid Fire | 800D12FC 0001 |
Weapon 2 Status | 300D12F8 00?? |
Infinite Weapon 3 | 800D1316 03E7 |
Weapon 3 Modifier | 800D131C ???? |
Weapon 3 Rapid Fire | 800D1318 0001 |
Weapon 3 Status | 300D1314 00?? |
Infinite Weapon 4 | 800D1332 03E7 |
Weapon 4 Modifier | 800D1338 ???? |
Weapon 4 Rapid Fire | 800D1334 0001 |
Weapon 4 Status | 300D1330 00?? |
Infinite Weapon 5 | 800D134E 03E7 |
Weapon 5 Modifier | 800D1354 ???? |
Weapon 5 Rapid Fire | 800D1350 0001 |
Weapon 5 Status | 300D134C 00?? |
Infinite Weapon 6 | 800D136A 03E7 |
Weapon 6 Modifier | 800D1370 ???? |
Weapon 6 Rapid Fire | 800D136C 0001 |
Weapon 6 Status | 300D1368 00?? |
Infinite Weapon 7 | 800D1386 03E7 |
Weapon 7 Modifier | 800D138C ???? |
Weapon 7 Rapid Fire | 800D1388 0001 |
Weapon 7 Status | 300D1384 00?? |
Infinite Weapon 8 | 800D13A2 03E7 |
Weapon 8 Modifier | 800D13A8 ???? |
Weapon 8 Rapid Fire | 800D13A4 0001 |
Weapon 8 Status | 300D13A0 00?? |
Infinite Jump Jets [Note 1] | 800D164C 000A |
Cannot Use Jump Jets | 800D1648 0000 |
Jumps Jets Always Activated (Always in Air) | 800D1648 0001 |
Never Overheat | 800D1268 0000 800D126C 0000 |
Speed Increase | 800D163C 0343 |
Mystery Super Code | 80076CE4 FFFF |
Quantity Digits to Accompany Status Modifier Codes [Note 2] |
08 - Not Active & Doesnt Use Ammo 09 - Not Active & Uses Ammo 0A - Active & Doesnt Use Ammo 0B - Active & Uses Ammo |
Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Modifier Codes |
BBEC - GAUSS BC3C - INSPECT BC8C - JUMP JET BCDC - LLASER BD2C - LPLAS BD7C - LRM-5 BDCC - LRM-10 BE1C - LRM-15 BE6C - LRM-20 BEBC - M-Gun BF0C - MLASER BF5C - MPLAS BFAC - PPC BFFC - SLASHER C04C - SPLAS C09C - SRM-2 C0EC - SRM-4 C13C - SRM-6 C18C - SSRM-2 C1DC - SSRM-4 C22C - SSRM-6 C27C - UAC-2 C2CC - UAC-5 C31C - UAC-10 C36C - UAC-20 C3BC - XAC-2 C40C - XAC-5 C45C - XAC-10 C4AC - XAC-20 C4FC - PPC C54C - LRM+5 |
Note 1: You have to turn the Game Shark off to return to the ground.
Note 2: Which ever guns you have activated will shoot at the same time.
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