Cheat Codes
At the versus screen, press Turbo, Jump, and Pass to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Jump(2), Pass(3), Left. Note: More then one code may be activated per game.
Result | Code |
Extra code time | 1-1-0 Down |
Infinite turbo | 5-1-4 Up |
Unlimited throw distances | 2-2-3 Right |
Fast turbo running | 0-3-2 Left |
Power-up offense | 3-1-2 Up |
Power-up defense | 4-2-1 Up |
Power-up teammates | 2-3-3 Up |
Power-up blockers | 3-1-2 Left |
Super blitzing | 0-4-5 Up |
Super field goals | 1-2-3 Left |
No interceptions | 3-4-4 Up |
No random fumbles | 4-2-3 Down |
No first downs | 2-1-0 Up |
No punting | 1-5-1 Up |
Allow stepping out of bounds | 2-1-1 Left |
Fast passes | 2-5-0 Left |
Turn off stadium | 5-0-0 Left |
Late hits | 0-1-0 Up |
Show field goal % | 0-0-1 Down |
Hide receiver name | 1-0-2 Right |
Invisible receiver highlight | 3-3-3 Left |
Invisible | 4-3-3 Up |
Big football | 0-5-0 Right |
Big head | 2-0-0 Right |
Huge head | 0-4-0 Up |
No head | 3-2-1 Left |
Headless team | 1-2-3 Right |
Team tiny players | 3-1-0 Right |
Team big players | 1-4-1 Right |
Team big heads | 2-0-3 Right |
No play selection [Note 1] | 1-1-5 Left |
Show more field [Note 1] | 0-2-1 Right |
No CPU assistance [Note 1] | 0-1-2 Down |
Super passing [Note 1] | 4-2-3 Right |
Power-up speed [Note 1] | 4-0-4 Left |
Hyper blitz [Note 1] | 5-5-5 Up |
Smart CPU opponent [Note 2] | 3-1-4 Down |
Tournament mode [Note 3] | 1-1-1 Down |
Fog on | 0-3-0 Down |
Thick fog on | 0-4-1 Down |
Weather: clear | 2-1-2 Left |
Weather: snow | 5-2-5 Down |
Weather: rain | 5-5-5 Right |
Night game | 2-2-2 Right |
Note 1: Two player agreement required.
Note 2: Only in one-player game.
Note 3: Only in two-player game.
Game Shark Codes
Home Team Infinite Turbo | 8017204A 0064 |
Home Team No Turbo | 8017204A 0000 |
Home Team Always Gains a Extra Point | 30150745 0001 |
Home Team Never Gains a Extra Point | 30150745 0000 |
Home Team Uniform Swap | 80171F5C 0001 |
Away Team Infinite Turbo | 8017206A 0064 |
Away Team No Turbo | 8017206A 0000 |
Away Team Always Gains a Extra Point | 30150744 0001 |
Away Team Never Gains a Extra Point | 30150744 0000 |
Away Team Uniform Swap | 80171F5C 0000 |
10 Points Gained per TD | 800435E0 000A |
0 Points Gained per TD | 800435E0 0000 |
Night Game | 80099C28 0001 |
Rainy Game | 80099BA8 0001 |
Tournament Mode | 80099BD4 0001 |
Stop Time Input Clock [Note] | D019FA0C FF7E 80099640 0120 D019FA0C FF7D 80099640 0068 |
Infinite Turbo P1 | 80099C04 0001 |
Big Head P1 | 80099C14 0001 |
Team Big Heads P1 | 80099B94 0001 |
Team Tiny Players P1 | 80099B9C 0001 |
Late Hits P1 | 80099C18 0001 |
Invisible P1 | 80099C20 0001 |
No Play Selection P1 | 80099C2C 0001 |
P1 Character Modifier | 80172028 00?? 80172028 0000 |
Infinite Turbo P2 | 80099C04 0002 |
Big Head P2 | 80099C14 0002 |
Team Big Heads P2 | 80099B94 0002 |
Team Tiny Players P2 | 80099B9C 0002 |
Late Hits P2 | 80099C18 0002 |
Invisible P2 | 80099C20 0002 |
No Play Selection P2 | 80099C2C 0002 |
P2 Character Modifier | 8017202C 00?? 80172028 0000 |
Infinite Turbo P1 & P2 | 80099C04 0003 |
Big Head P1 & P2 | 80099C14 0003 |
Team Big Heads P1 & P2 | 80099B94 0003 |
Team Tiny Players P1 & P2 | 80099B9C 0003 |
Late Hits P1 & P2 | 80099C18 0003 |
Invisible P1 & P2 | 80099C20 0003 |
No Play Selection P1 & P2 | 80099C2C 0003 |
Home Team Score Modifier Codes | |
1st Quarter | 80171F24 00?? |
2nd Quarter | 80171F28 00?? |
3rd Quarter | 80171F2C 00?? |
4th Quarter | 80171F30 00?? |
Away Team Score Modifier Codes | |
1st Quarter | 80171F40 00?? |
2nd Quarter | 80171F44 00?? |
3rd Quarter | 80171F48 00?? |
4th Quarter | 80171F4C 00?? |
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes | |
00 - Mark Turmell 01 - Daniel 02 - Van 03 - Jason 04 - Japple 05 - Jenifr 06 - Gentil 07 - Luis 08 - Raiden 09 - Root 0A - Shinok 0B - Skull 0C - Thug 0D - Sal 0E - Forden 0F - Carltn 10 - Mike 11-1D ??? 1E - Grinch 1F - ??? 20 - LT 21-26 ??? 27 - Guido |
Note: At the versus screen, press Up + Select to stop the time input where you enter codes. Then, enter the codes desired and press Down + Select to resume.